Thursday, April 10, 2008

Domestic Dude and Diva

It's been brought to my attention that I haven't posted anything new in a week. My apologies, loyal readers. We've been busy, but not with anything blog-worthy. A lot of unpacking, organizing, rearranging... necessary but not especially exciting. Actually, I take that back. It's been fun merging our belongings and making the house a comfortable place for both of us.

My inner domestic goddess has made herself known and it's kinda cool and a little weird. As most of you know, I am a train wreck in the kitchen. Stuff burns and I usually end up cutting myself on something... it's not pretty. In addition to setting up the kitchen by myself (Mike was away at drill last weekend), I've been baking and collecting recipes so I can branch out a bit more. Let me repeat that: I have been baking things from scratch. No pre-fab cookie dough for this girl! Mike and his co-workers are reaping the benefits of this sudden urge to use all of the kitchen utensils I've accumulated over time. Apparently watching my grandma, Dave, and Judy cook all these years has paid off; I actually feel comfortable in what I'm doing and the house hasn't burned down. Mike has also been grilling almost every night and has become quite the menu planner.

We have been in a mad rush to get the house pulled together since our first visitor arrives on Saturday. Mike's daughter Julia is spending her spring break with us and we are so excited to have her here! I hope she has fun while she's with us. We'll need to tone down the Battlestar Galactica viewing while she's here; she probably thinks we're huge dorks as it is. No need to give her more evidence of that.


Lady Goss Goss said...

OMG, I've gotten way domestic over the last year or so . . . we should swap recipes. I just made some FANTASTIC creampuffs from scratch (not to toot my own horn, but I understand how exciting it is to discover that one CAN produce something in the kitchen without the smoke detector going off AND having it taste good!).

CKD said...

Send that recipe on over! Sure, I should focus on making "real" meals but dessert is a very important part of any balanced diet. Thanks for the adorable card, by the way. It is proudly displayed on our refrigerator.