Thursday, April 10, 2008


This afternoon Mike and I went for a walk in our neighborhood and ended up at Applebee's for a drink. I'm not usually a big fan of chain-restaurant dining, but when in the 'burbs, you take what you can get. My opinion may have changed: I was carded! As in, Destiny, our waitress, felt the need to verify my age before serving me. I laughed when she asked for my ID and thought she was joking. Once I fished out my brand-spanking new VA driver's license and handed it over, she asked why I was laughing. "Well, because I'm 30 and it's been awhile since anyone has asked to see my ID." She looked at it, looked at me and replied, "Wow, you look really good for..." and kind of trailed off. She obviously didn't want to say, "Wow, you don't look like the crypt keeper!" or "It's so nice to see you getting around at this age!" I advised her about the importance of a good eye cream and didn't stop smiling the whole time we were there. The company and a cold beer on a warm day didn't hurt my mood, but getting carded...priceless!

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